CP - Pegasus Airlines

CHARLEROI, 06 May 2024 – Ten years ago, an important milestone was reached in the history of Brussels-Charleroi. In spring 2014, Pegasus Airlines, a Turkish airline founded in 2005, landed on the tarmac of Brussels South Charleroi Airport for the first time. This was a major turning point in the history of the airport, which until then had only offered point-to-point flights. In addition to its flights to its Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen base, the airline has offered over thirty international destinations from Brussels-Charleroi.

A look back at this ten-year relationship.

On Sunday 30 March 2014, at 13.15 on the dot, a Boeing 737-800 bearing the Pegasus Airlines colours landed at B.S.C.A. for the first time, inaugurating a new route from Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen. Forty minutes later, the same plane was on its way back to Türkiye. A new chapter had begun for Brussels South Charleroi Airport.

More than just a daily service to Istanbul, multiple Turkish cities were now accessible, as well as those in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.

So B.S.C.A. had to adapt to connecting flights. A challenge that it met with flying colours, and which helped to transform the airport’s image. Changes to IT systems, new procedures and staff training were required to meet the demands of this new passenger service.

In ten years, the airline has carried almost 1.5 million passengers from Brussels-Charleroi. The most popular destinations served by the airline from B.S.C.A. include Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Tbilisi (Georgia) and Hurghada (Egypt).

Today, Pegasus Airlines has a fleet of 110 aircraft, the majority of which are new generation Airbus A320neo and A321neo aircraft. In January 2024, the airline was recognised twice for its young and modern fleet.


With one of the youngest fleets in Europe, we are delighted with the relationship that has been forged between Pegasus Airlines and Brussels South Charleroi Airport.”,says Philippe VERDONCK, Chief Executive Officer of B.S.C.A. With connections from Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen, the airline now offers 75 destinations from our tarmac (32 domestic withinTürkiye and 43 international destinations). Starting with one flight a day, frequencies have now risen to 14 flights a week, encouraging more international connections.